Lead generation doesn't only happen when you're reaching out to a fresh new batch of prospects for the first time. Re-engaging cold prospects is also a part of lead generation. To successfully re-engage cold prospects, you may need an effective marketing solution for your small business. If you clean up your approach to re-engage these particular prospects, it is highly likely that your business will be able to get a return on investment fairly
Research Makes a Difference
Getting cold prospects interested in your business again will take even more research than it did the first time around. You've got to find out what changed for these prospects in order for them to not continue their exchange with your business. Just because it will take more work doesn't mean that it will be all on your plate.
Postlead has an automated direct mail dashboard that allows users to see the public social media profiles of those that they are reaching out to. You can use this information to help you develop a message and an approach that will grab their attention. Piece together key qualities and information about your prospects that will help you to reach out to them in a way that will excite them the most. The more that you find out about your prospects, the more specific you can tailor your message.
Make Your Message Stand Out
The message that you send to prospects that have gone cold has to stand out in a way that makes them want to act. You can do a two-step approach to your prospects with a more passive re-introduction followed up with a separate personalized direct mailing that requires them to participate in some way with your business. The best part about re-engaging old prospects is that you can base a good portion of your message off of your previous interaction with them, or some interest that they may have expressed in your business.
Eliminate the Previous Barriers
Were the direct mailings that you sent out in the past going to the wrong address for prospects? Was your timing just wrong? Did you use an approach that was far too robotic and general for them to personally see where they fit into it? Whatever missteps or other barriers that may have prevented you from getting a response from this group in the past, it can be turned around with more insight and personalization. Another way that you can re-engage these cold prospects is by making yourself available to them to benefit them or help them in some way.
Use It as an Opportunity to Learn
You can open the lines of communication to ask for feedback from these prospects. If they provide feedback to you through a personalized mailing it can be a sign that they're still interested, and even if they aren't, the information that they are providing to you is invaluable because it can be used by your business in the future.
Postlead offers several tools and services that can help you to use personalized direct mailing so that you can re-engage cold prospects.
Contact us so that we can help you to reach out to some of your most lucrative prospects and potentially add them to your client and customer base.