To some business owners and executives, postcards often seem like they would be far too simple of a tool to be able to be truly strategic or beneficial as an outreach strategy for your business. But actually postcards are one of the best things that you can incorporate into your business in order to attract prospects. Over-sized postcards have a 5% response rating, the highest among all other mediums. Even standard format postcards generate 4.25% in responses compared to online and mobile forms of marketing that barely reach a 4% response rate even when these tactics are
combined. Postcards are definitely powerful outreach tools. Allow us to show you how you can use creative postcards to help your own outreach strategy.
Add Some Personality to the Message
You can definitely use postcards as a way to get personal with your prospects. Not only would you grab their attention right away by stating their name, but also the postcard itself can be quite personalized to a specific season or a certain offering that would intrigue them. You can definitely get very creative with personalizations on postcards since they are such a cost-effective way of reaching your audience.
Straight to the Point
Sometimes messages are simply too wordy for your prospects, and they would rather not waste their time reading a lengthy promotion. Sometimes sales letters and emails can just leave too much time for prospects to get bored with a message before they fully know what the promotion is about. This is why postcards are such a great outreach tool because your message
has to be concise. You've got to get straight to the point in the most appealing way possible. It definitely makes your creativity shine when you know that you have minimal space and time to grab your reader's attention.
Integrate Online with PURLs and QR Codes
You can use personalized URLs or landing pages (PURLs) on your post card in order to get creative with your prospects. These personalized landing pages can lead to interactive videos, tutorials, and other exciting links that will keep your prospects engaged and wanting to know more about your business or offering. QR codes can be a part of a PURL link as well, your prospects would use their smartphone to scan the postcard and to find out where it will lead them to. The only difference with a QR code and an online link is that your prospect doesn't have to type in a website. They can just scan it and go. Making it a fun and simple interaction.
You can get very creative with a postcard, and you don't have to spend a lot of money in order to make a big impact on your prospects. All you have to do is make sure that your message is clear and that you are being as creative as possible. Your prospects want to know what you've got in the most fun, fast possible way. Creative postcards allow you to show that.
Contact us at
Postlead so that we can help you to make the most of your outreach strategy.