Direct mailing is a marketing strategy that has the capability to positively benefit virtually every industry, and dental clinics are definitely not left out of that equation.
As of 2017, direct mailing brings in a household response rate of over
5%, the highest among all other forms of marketing. Specifically,
personalized direct mailing can yield improved numbers in your lead conversion, response rates, and more. If you own or are a primary decision maker for a dental clinic, then you should understand just how much personalized direct mailing can impact your business.
Get Familiar with Patients
One of the top reasons why patients don't visit the dentist is because they are unable to find a location that is most
convenient to them. If you can send out personalized direct mailings to patients who are within a fairly close distance from your clinic, no more than 15 or 20 miles away, then many of them may consider this convenient and they'll feel more comfortable about setting an appointment with you that they can actually keep. It doesn't only have to be about location, if you can send out personalized direct mailings to patients before they even begin seeing you as one of your patients, then you will be able to help them familiarize themselves with your company, your services, and you'll have a greater possibility of building a long-standing relationship with them.
Re-Engage Previous Patients
After patients have already visited your dental clinic and received the services that they required, then you can begin following up with them to let them know about other services that are either complimentary to the services that they've already received, or even other services that your clinic provides that may be of interest to them. For instance, you can follow up with patients who've had tooth extraction to let them know about the dental implants that your dental clinic offers. Provide your patients with more reasons to come back to you for all of their dental clinic needs, rather than neglecting their continuous care and allowing them to get these services from multiple dental clinics.
Routine Visit Reminders
You can also use your direct mailings as a way to continuously engage with your current patients by sending out routine visit reminders that aren't already scheduled. Just let them know that it's a great time to come in for a check-up or other routine visits. Sending out direct mailings is also a great way to let your customers know about new services that your clinic offers, or any new information that you want to let your patients know about your business. Your patients will be informed with the latest information about your clinic, and this will put them in a better position the next time that they come to visit your clinic making for a much more pleasant and easy experience.
There are many ways that your dental clinic can benefit from sending out personalized direct mailings, and we'd love to help you see them firsthand.
Contact us at
Postlead so that we can help you get started sending out your personalized mailings to your prospective and current patients.