As a real estate or listing agent, you know how important it is to get properties sold as quickly as you can. The longer a property is on the market, the lower the value drops. It takes a lot of work to get a listing sold, and no one knows how hard of a job that can be better than you!
We're here to offer you a simple solution to help make the job a little easier on you. There are several benefits that you will reap when you begin promoting your listings by using a creative direct mailing strategy that works. Put your time and effort into making sure that you are going after the right leads in the best way possible so that you can move those listings like never before.
Get the Best Lead Qualifiers
All of your leads are not going to be the best fit for each listing that you have. From working with previous clients, you already know what each one is looking for, so use this knowledge to help you decide what audience to share certain listings with. You can segment your audience based upon their interest in either commercial or residential property. You can even segment them based upon the neighborhoods that they want to move into. How many people reside in their current residence or property, and are they looking to grow that number any time soon?
You have a wealth of information at your fingertips whenever you sift through your list of leads. Figure out what they're looking for, and use this information to help guide how you share listings with them.
Offer Personalized Mailing
Each direct mailing that you send out should be personalized for your leads. You can make the content of your mailing as creative and appealing as possible, but if you send it with a generic greeting, your lead may never even notice the message. Be strategic in doing this. Address them by their name and proper salutation to grab their attention, and then share the listings that you have found with them in a creative way. It will help them to trust what you're sharing with them as it provides the feeling of being personally catered to by their listing agent.
Refine Your Approach
Using creative direct mailings to promote your listings will help you refine your overall marketing strategy as a listing agent. You can count on your leads to let you know just how your strategy is working. If they are responding to your creative direct mailings, then you'll be glad to know that your approach is working! If you're finding that your leads still aren't responding the way that you'd like them to, then give us a call.
At Postlead we know how to make the most of a direct mailing strategy, and we can help you reach your goals as a listing agent. Simply
contact us, and we will provide you with the best possible service at an affordable rate.