When it comes to marketing your law firm, it’s critical to make your services readily available to people in complicated situations. This is why you want to make sure your approach to generating leads eliminates stress and confusion for you as well as your potential clients. Direct mailing is an excellent way for attorneys to generate leads, but it also helps to be as precise as possible when it comes to executing this particular strategy.
First Things First: Make a Plan
Before you begin implementing your direct mailing strategy, you've got to start with a plan. Find out who your leads are. Take the time to figure out their names and proper salutations. You can purchase your leads from a trusted source, but be sure to go for the best quality leads. Don't just use leads that are cheap. There is a greater probability that those leads won't respond or even be interested in your message. Once you get clear on who you should target its time to move on to the next step.
Create Your Personalized Post Cards
Sending out postcards to prospective clients is a great direct mailing strategy for attorneys in practically any field. Sending out personalized postcards to leads with contact information for your firm is an excellent way to get their attention and to get them to contact you quickly. The internet offers several different ways for leads to find information about who might be able to handle their case the best, and many times those online sites aren't trustworthy and the firms aren't equipped to take on a new client, but you are. This is why sending out your personalized postcards will keep you at the forefront of potential clients minds in the event that they do find themselves in need of a lawyer.
Track the Mailing Campaign’s Progress
After you've sent out your postcards be sure to track how many leads reach out to you. It may take some time before a lead is in need of your services, but it helps to know where your leads are coming from. As long as you have made the process as easy as possible for clients to be able to quickly speak with someone who can handle their concerns then you should be pleased with the results you'll be getting.
Repeat What Works
Once you've completed your direct mailing strategy and tracked the results, it's time to do it all over again. This time, cut away at the things that cost your firm too much time and money. Did you spend too much time compiling a list of leads? Was too much of the marketing budget spent on the creation, design, and mailing of the postcards? In any way that you realize where your business can improve productivity and cost efficiency, make those changes. If you need help getting potential clients to notice your firm, we can help.
Contact us at Postlead, and we'll gladly handle your direct mailing for you.